Greg Corley

Wellness Coach

Wellness for life.

Health + Plants = Bliss

Let me help change your lifestyle for the best quality of life. Use the things nature provides  to bring harmony and synergy to your body and mind.

What I do

With my help your body will naturally find homeostasis. 


Adaptogens are plants and mushrooms that help your body respond to stress, anxiety, fatigue and overall wellbeing. You can take adaptogens by adding them to food or beverages or take them as tinctures. Adaptogens bring your body back to a steady balance by managing both physical and mental stressors.


The use of herbal medicine in the United States has been increasing at a steady pace over the past decade. Herbal supplements are receiving increasing exposure through national media, in lay journals, and more recently in the scientific press. Interest in herbal medicine has been facilitated by multiple factors, including the perception that. pharmaceutical medications are expensive, overprescribed, and often dangerous. Alternatively, herbal medicine is often perceived as being “natural” and is therefore considered safe.  However, education is required for their potential benefits and risks as well as their ability to interact with pharmaceutical medications  with herbal therapy.


mycology, the study of fungi, a group that includes the mushrooms and yeasts. Many fungi are useful in medicine and industry. Mycological research has led to the development of such antibiotic drugs as penicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline, as well as other drugs, including statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs). Mycology also has important applications in the dairy, wine, and baking industries and in the production of dyes and inks. Medical mycology is the study of fungus organisms that cause disease in humans.

Cannabinoid Therapy

Are cannabis or cannabinoids helpful in treating health conditions? Drugs containing cannabinoids may be helpful in treating certain rare forms of epilepsy, nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, and loss of appetite and weight loss associated with HIV/AIDS.


People today are busy. Very busy. There can be very little time for taking proper care of yourself. 

Wellness is the process of being aware of your actions and making choices that help you lead a healthier life.


The World Health Organization provides a mental wellness definition: “A state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”Feb 2, 2021


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